Downloadable outputs
A culture-led approach to understanding energy transitions
in China: The correlative epistemology
Ping Huang, Linda Westman and Vanesa Castán Broto
Compound urban crises
Linda Westman, James Patterson, Rachel Macrorie,
Christopher J. Orr, Catherine M. Ashcraft, Vanesa Castán Broto, Dana Dolan, Mukesh Gupta, Jeroen van der Heijden, Thomas Hickmann, Robert Hobbins, Marielle Papin, Enora Robin, Christina Rosan, Jonas Torrens, Robert Webb
China’s imaginary of ecological civilization: A resonance between the state-led discourse and sociocultural dynamics
Ping Huang and Linda Westman
Reparative innovation for urban climate adaptation
Vanesa Castán Broto, Linda Westman and Ping Huang
Motivations and Intended Outcomes in Local Governments’ Declarations of Climate Emergency
Xira Ruiz-Campillo, Vanesa Castán Broto and Linda Westman